Category Archives: PBS

Do Characters in Preschool Shows Need Character?

The emphatic answer is yes! Why wouldn’t you give your character, character? That’s how your audience relates to your show. Of course, preschool audiences are somewhat less demanding than older kids but that does not mean they do not perceive … Continue reading

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WordGirl – A mature adult's review

Word Up! PBS is an institution that has many handicaps. Lack of funding is the main one, but being publicly funded, it must provide certain services that a commercial station would find uneconomical. Unfortunately, one of these services is educational … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Flash, PBS, Review, TV, WordGirl | 1 Comment

Click & Clack's As the Wrench Turns

As The Wrench Turns is a brand new series that is notable for being the first animated show to be broadcast on PBS during primetime. It is based on the popular NBR ‘Car Talk’ show hosted by Tom and Ray … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Click and Clack, PBS, Review, TV, USA | Leave a comment