Category Archives: MLaaTR

Geoweasel: Much more than just mustaches.

So what is Geoweasel? If you’re an engineer, you may think it is some kind of earth stabilization machine. If you’re anyone else, you’re head may explode trying to figure it out. However (thankfully), this is not the case. Geoweasel … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Dan Meth, Geoweasel, MLaaTR, Niko Anesti, Nite Fite, Review, Rob Renzetti | Leave a comment

Lead Female Protagonists in Mainstream US Animation

Animated TV programmes with female lead characters. Are they a rare occurrence? Certainly when compared to the numbers with male lead characters. Now, I’m not saying that females are underrepresented in animation, there are plenty of female characters, however, more … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Disney, MLaaTR, Nickelodeon, Opinion, TV, USA | Leave a comment