Category Archives: Flash

TV Animation: Art versus Entertainment

Last week I attended the ASIFA-East screening of Superjail, which, if you’re a regular reader of this blog (in which case congratulations my friend, you’re the first), is naturally animated and shown on Adult Swim. There was an excellent Q&A … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, ASIFA-East, Flash, TV | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

WordGirl – A mature adult's review

Word Up! PBS is an institution that has many handicaps. Lack of funding is the main one, but being publicly funded, it must provide certain services that a commercial station would find uneconomical. Unfortunately, one of these services is educational … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Flash, PBS, Review, TV, WordGirl | 1 Comment

Traditional Versus Digital: There IS a Common Ground

There are camps in both sides of the debate: traditional versus digital. Both are mostly right; each method has its advantages and disadvantages and it’s not something to be discussed here. The question is: can both be used together? Is … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Canada, CGI, Flash, FOX, Futurama, Jacob Two-Two, Japan, Miyazaki, Nelvana, Opinion, Spirited Away, TV | Leave a comment