Category Archives: Canada

MacHomer: To beer or not to beer, that is the question.

With huge thanks to Anne D. Bernstein for bringing this fantastic performance to my attention. For the first time ever, I am writing a review and analysis of a Shakespearean play on my own free will. No, I haven’t suddenly … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Canada, Macbeth, MacHomer, Mattt Groening, Me, Play, Review, Rick Miller, Shakespeare, The Simpsons, TV | Leave a comment

Traditional Versus Digital: There IS a Common Ground

There are camps in both sides of the debate: traditional versus digital. Both are mostly right; each method has its advantages and disadvantages and it’s not something to be discussed here. The question is: can both be used together? Is … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Canada, CGI, Flash, FOX, Futurama, Jacob Two-Two, Japan, Miyazaki, Nelvana, Opinion, Spirited Away, TV | Leave a comment

Total Drama Island: better than the real thing.

Total Drama Island is a 26 X 30 show produced by Fresh TV in Canada, made by Elliott Animation in Toronto and distributed by CAKE Entertainment. The premise is 22 teenagers are send to an island where they must compete … Continue reading

Posted in Animation, Canada, Cartoon Network, Review, Total Drama Island, TV | 2 Comments